About Us

A-CUBE represent the life-science and analytical instrument space that holds countless combinations and probabilities, symbolizing the vast opportunities available for us to serve.

Who are we

A-CUBE represents the life-science and analytical instrument space that holds countless combinations and probabilities, symbolizing the vast opportunities available for us to serve.

Inspired by the timeless friendship song from Sholay, our tagline “You Win I Win” embodies our belief in treating our customers and principals as friends. Friendship, unlike any other relationship, is a choice rather than an obligation. Through our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional products and services, we are dedicated to never disappointing our friends.

We are on GeM Our products and service are also listed on Government E-Market

Our Expertise & Services

That simplifies our customers work flow & improver their productivity.

What we do?

We strive to offer the finest products and services, enabling our customers to enhance their productivity and efficiency within their laboratories. As the last mile service partner, we aim to be the preferred choice for our principals by providing exceptional support & assistance to our customers. We empower our employees to chase and achieve their dreams.

How We Do?

We will leverage technology, processes, and systems to accomplish our objectives while fostering mutual trust and respect as the foundation of all our actions.

Whom we serve?

Our customers include wide range of public & private sector which can be segmented into Life-Science, Academia, Government Institutions, Food Testing, Diagnostics, Public Testing, Semiconductor & other laboratories.

How far we Serve?

We are located in the suburbs of Mumbai, with several of our associates situated in Goa and Nagpur. This geographical advantage gives us the confidence to provide robust support to customers in Maharashtra and Goa.

Our Team

Customer Support & Technical Service is our core strength

Swaminathan Iyer

Swaminathan Iyer, an electronics engineer with more than 25 years of experience in service, sales, marketing & business operations.

Vikas Marathe

Vikas Marathe, an electronics engineer with a vast experience in providing technical service for a wide range of laboratory instruments.

Amar Ghag

Amar Ghag, a mechanical engineer who have the expertise in field service of many of elector mechanical, heating & cooling instrument.

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