Lab Water
Merck Millipore Lab Water purification system portfolio offers a broad range of pure and ultrapure water purification systems and services designed for scientists working in pharmaceutical, clinical, academic, industrial, research, and government laboratories — in both validated and non-validated environments.

Type 1
Type 1 laboratory grade water is required for critical laboratory applications such as HPLC mobile phase preparation, blanks and sample dilution in GC, HPLC, AA, ICP-MS and other advanced analytical techniques

Type 2
Type 2 laboratory grade water is used in general laboratory applications such as buffers, pH solutions and microbiological culture media preparation; as feed to Type 1 water systems, clinical analyzers, cell culture incubators and weathering test chambers; and for preparation of reagents for chemical analysis or synthesis.

Type 3
Type 3 water is the lowest laboratory water grade, recommended for glassware rinsing, heating baths and filling autoclaves, or to feed Type 1 lab water systems.
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